In this week’s newsletter, I will be touching on my current experience with chronic pain which for me stems from a condition called fibromyalgia (FMS). I was diagnosed just over a year and a half ago so my knowledge of the condition is not as extensive as I would like but from what I gather the condition is thought to be caused by a mixture of stress, genetics and trauma. So I already have CPTSD and Bipolar, so it’s quite a common occurrence and not a shock I’ve developed this condition.

On the NHS website, they state fibromyalgia is thought “to be related to abnormal levels of certain chemicals in the brain and changes in the way the central nervous system processes pain messages carried around the body”. They then go on to say what no one wants to hear “There is no cure” after listing all the horrible debilitating symptoms that make life with fibromyalgia difficult.

So I thought I’d share the things that I have found helpful so far the “must haves” you could use to help if you have fibromyalgia.

Paired along with self-soothing activities which can be found on kushty resources.

Heat and Ice

I use these hot and cold packs that can be put in the freezer or microwave depending on what you need and are easy to bend and mould to desired location of discomfort.

Hot water bottles such as the YUYU are currently on my wishlist as their shape is long and thin and can be used to wrap around yourself or perfect for back/spine pain.

I also received an electric heated blanket for Christmas which I have found so comforting on my sore legs and would highly recommend. I know some people use heat pads too for similar effects.

acupressure mat

an alternative to acupuncture which can be quite expensive and wouldn’t recommend attempting by yourself at home haha. I use an acupressure mat from Shakti and have been impressed by the mat and how relaxed I feel after using it. The spikes are sharper than cheaper alternatives and using the mat keeps my stress levels down.

Devices and Apps

Devices I’m using include the fitbit versa 3 to track my vitals, sleep and steps.

Using a smart blood pressure machine that records everything and sends it straight to my phone and an oximeter both from oxipro.

to keep track of all my health information and even track food and drink intake, set up med reminders and more I use the app guava.

For pacing with fibromyalgia, I’m currently using the free version of the visible app.

The last app I wanted to mention I use for meditation and relaxation. Its called Insight timer which is completely free to use.

Meds and supplements

If you’re like me and want to keep your meds organised I’d highly recommend these rainbow pill organisers with a slot for morning and evening so you can see your medication and whether you have taken it or not clearly.

I’m currently in the middle of trialling something new this week, which is CBD products (perfectly legal). I’ve loved the Trip drinks for a few years, they come in a variety of flavours, are fully vegan, include CBD and have hardly any calories. So I’ve decided to try out CBD oils and topicals from my local CBD shop for my pain. The first night I tried them I slept so well which is not normal for me to say.

Talking of sleep I also find magnesium body spray (which I spray on my feet) helps me to fall asleep faster

Finally, my last little tip is for nausea, chewing crystalised ginger when I was taking pain meds and feeling nauseous helped a lot.

I will probably think of so many more things that are helpful to have in your life when you have fibromyalgia so let me know if you would like to see a part 2 and if there’s anything you would add to this list that people should know about go ahead and comment!

Erin Louise x

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